RSSItaly travel on budget

Navigating with the local Don of Amalfi Coast and Pompeii

| October 14, 2024 | 2 Comments

Michele is a big Don of southern Italy. Meet Don Michele (pronounced MEE-KHAIL-LAA). According to the custom of this region the word ‘Don’ is used as a courtesy title before the name of an important man. As I learnt during my tour, Michele is indeed a very important man in the Amalfi Coast. First, he knows […]

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Architectural Beauty of Fiorenza (Florence) | Budget Adventure Travel

| November 12, 2020 | 0 Comments

click on any image below to view large size slideshow and my tips & commentary Because I was in Florence and Pisa for only for 7 hours as part of port of call of the cruise ship, it was a rush job getting through so much. The port town of Livorno is located about 1 […]

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When in Rome do as I do! | Budget Adventure Travel

| November 2, 2020 | 5 Comments

Yes, seriously! I mean it. Especially if you are a first time tourist in this city and have limited time on hand to explore the colossal and historic magnificence of Rome and Vatican City. I will admit, I have never been as enchanted by any city I have been to so far as much as […]

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