
Larkycanuck is the pseudonym for the spirited, spontaneous and zestful Canadian. The Blog is focused on showcasing budget adventure travels for working families. Larkycanuck has traveled to over 15 countries, 38 cities in 10 years. He has never quit a job to do this. He travels with his wife and on some trips with the house rabbit (Pepper).

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The Cheapo’s guide to doing Madrid in 2 days | Budget Adventure Travel

The Cheapo’s guide to doing Madrid in 2 days | Budget Adventure Travel

| July 26, 2024 | 6 Comments

Travel Adventures | Love These So what’s up with Spaniards and their love for White Bread!!!! Somebody please tell me! Travel Adventures | Cutting Back? Like didn’t they get memo about cutting back on white bread? My #1 CHEAPO advice to all health conscious North American wannabe travelers to Spain – Carry BROWN bread from […]

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Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

| July 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Traveling on a budget can be amazing, and sometimes overwhelming when you’re not sure what you really need. Loads of websites will tell you what to take on your holiday, and most of those sites are dead wrong. Next thing you know, you’re in Thailand wearing long sleeves in a heat wave, or worshiping the […]

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The Cuban Idiot Crisis | Budget Adventure Travel

The Cuban Idiot Crisis | Budget Adventure Travel

| July 6, 2024 | 15 Comments

This blog post would normally have been about my honeymoon trip to Cayo Santa María, Cuba. It would have mentioned the great all inclusive resort stay we experienced at the Sol Cayo Santa Maria resort and shown you some lovely photos of the resort and its splendid facilities. I would not tell you that this dude […]

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Shaw BlueSky TV dazzles with unique TV viewing experience

Shaw BlueSky TV dazzles with unique TV viewing experience

| June 26, 2024 | 3 Comments

As a social and lifestyle blogger I enjoy one of life’s rare privileges to experience new products or services before it launches publicly and over the years I have had a variety of interesting experiences to write about. So when the opportunity to experience a new TV programming service came to me, I will admit I […]

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A Tale of Two Newspapers | Social Commentary

A Tale of Two Newspapers | Social Commentary

| June 16, 2024 | 7 Comments

“The results might amaze you” Our story begins in the fair City of Calgary, where exists two grand newspaper families (well of course there are more, but these two are the two grand families in town). Family 1: The Heralds Family 2: The Suns As you can see the Heralds have been proud of their […]

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Larkycanuck Productions launches ‘White Hat Project’

| June 6, 2024 | 2 Comments

On Monday August 6, 2012 (Canada Heritage Day) Larkycanuck Productions officially launched the White Hat Project in the City of Calgary, Alberta. The iconic white hat symbolizes the spirit of the new west (viz. the City of Calgary) and its entrepreneurial cred and warm hospitality. For over 60 years, Calgarians have welcomed visitors officially by […]

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My blog listed in the Calgary Herald Top Blog | Media Mentions

My blog listed in the Calgary Herald Top Blog | Media Mentions

| May 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

This was a notable achievement to be considered among Calgary’s Top Bloggers.

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My article on car sharing service was mentioned on Moneysense blog | Media Mentions

My article on car sharing service was mentioned on Moneysense blog | Media Mentions

| May 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

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How to get fooled in to the retail upsell. NOT | Money Saving Tips

How to get fooled in to the retail upsell. NOT | Money Saving Tips

| May 7, 2024 | 6 Comments

Incongruity is very much FACTUAL and REAL when in comes to consumer-retail shopping behavior Just Imagine. A sleek sporty car. Awesome trims. Buffed and polished to a sparkle inside out. Leather seats. Top down roof. Now you pop open the hood. Inside you see a……..WHAT? Moped engine!!! Now that my dear readers, is an example […]

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New CRA Credit Rules For Your 2014 Tax Return Should Mean Bigger Refunds

New CRA Credit Rules For Your 2014 Tax Return Should Mean Bigger Refunds

| April 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

What’s New For Your Tax Return? New Credits Should Mean Bigger Refunds for Canadian Families Tax season isn’t usually a time of year people look forward to.  In fact, most Canadians dread the idea of organizing, filing and then potentially owing money to the government instead of seeing money back in their pockets.  Fortunately, there […]

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