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Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

| July 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Traveling on a budget can be amazing, and sometimes overwhelming when you’re not sure what you really need. Loads of websites will tell you what to take on your holiday, and most of those sites are dead wrong. Next thing you know, you’re in Thailand wearing long sleeves in a heat wave, or worshiping the […]

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How to get fooled in to the retail upsell. NOT | Money Saving Tips

How to get fooled in to the retail upsell. NOT | Money Saving Tips

| May 7, 2024 | 6 Comments

Incongruity is very much FACTUAL and REAL when in comes to consumer-retail shopping behavior Just Imagine. A sleek sporty car. Awesome trims. Buffed and polished to a sparkle inside out. Leather seats. Top down roof. Now you pop open the hood. Inside you see a……..WHAT? Moped engine!!! Now that my dear readers, is an example […]

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New CRA Credit Rules For Your 2014 Tax Return Should Mean Bigger Refunds

New CRA Credit Rules For Your 2014 Tax Return Should Mean Bigger Refunds

| April 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

What’s New For Your Tax Return? New Credits Should Mean Bigger Refunds for Canadian Families Tax season isn’t usually a time of year people look forward to.  In fact, most Canadians dread the idea of organizing, filing and then potentially owing money to the government instead of seeing money back in their pockets.  Fortunately, there […]

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The truth behind car sharing services | Money Saving Tips

The truth behind car sharing services | Money Saving Tips

| April 17, 2024 | 29 Comments

This blog post is not about the pros and cons of car sharing service although I will briefly cover this as well. This post is intended to show you how you can monitor your usage costs and thereby SAVE MONEY by using your local car sharing service. I will also compare car sharing program costs […]

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A money manager’s guide to earning a guaranteed 1,123% return on investment | Money Saving Tips

A money manager’s guide to earning a guaranteed 1,123% return on investment | Money Saving Tips

| March 8, 2024 | 2 Comments

[Comments/Suggestions on this or future articles greatly appreciated] My mama always taught me to be thrifty with my money growing up. She abhors frivolous purchases. Thus this recent Mother’s Day I decided to gift her the best gift I could – NOTHING. Instead I went and bought myself something from the nearest Walmart – the […]

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7 ridiculously easy ways how I saved $$$$$$$ and time on Budget Adventure Travel | Money Saving Tips

| January 18, 2024 | 15 Comments

[Prologue: Several readers asked me about the total trip for this travel. I crunched all numbers and the total cost was approximately, CAD $4,500 for two adults. This includes all airfare, ground transportation, lodging, food, tours, and gifts. The trip itinerary was Calgary -> Miami -> Quito – > Amazon Jungle -> Quito -> Bogota […]

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Looking after your wallet in the casino | Money Saving Tips

Looking after your wallet in the casino | Money Saving Tips

| January 3, 2023 | 0 Comments

This post is a preview for the upcoming story on Budget Adventure Travels in Vegas – Everything you need to know to “Have Fun -Save Money” As we’re in the throes of summer, we’re all looking forward to getting away on vacation. Of course, this can hit some of our pockets harder than others, especially […]

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Marriage and Taxes | Tax | Money Saving Tips

Marriage and Taxes | Tax | Money Saving Tips

| October 24, 2022 | 0 Comments

The biggest events in life also have big tax implications. Saying “I do” is among the biggest of life’s changes, and from a tax perspective it’s right up there with..well…death. One common misunderstanding is that the Canada Revenue Agency distinguishes between marriages, common-law relationships and civil unions. It does not. Similarly, the CRA treats same-sex […]

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Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

| October 14, 2022 | 0 Comments

Car-related tax deductions exist, but the rules are fairly restrictive If you use a vehicle to earn employment or business income, the Canada Revenue Agency allows you to make some auto-related deductions on your tax return, but the government cannot be said to be generous in this area. Those who lease a vehicle can claim […]

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Family Business: How SME income-splitting works | Tax | Money Savings

| September 14, 2022 | 2 Comments

It’s exhilarating and liberating to watch your small business grow and become a success. After long hours of stress and hard work, you’re finally on the map. But as your unincorporated small business begins to thrive, its increasing revenue may begin pushing you into a higher tax bracket. The potential for income-splitting within the family […]

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