RSSMedia Mentions

My blog listed in the Calgary Herald Top Blog | Media Mentions

My blog listed in the Calgary Herald Top Blog | Media Mentions

| May 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

This was a notable achievement to be considered among Calgary’s Top Bloggers.

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My article on car sharing service was mentioned on Moneysense blog | Media Mentions

My article on car sharing service was mentioned on Moneysense blog | Media Mentions

| May 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

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Pivot Ignite Summer Block Party | Media Mentions

Pivot Ignite Summer Block Party | Media Mentions

| April 7, 2024 | 0 Comments

I was involved in the production team for Glenbow Museum’s Summer Block Party. It was the first Street Art and Fashion party organized in the City of Calgary, and amazingly it reached the tweet list of Top Parties in NYC, London and Tokyo. Haha. Who knew cowtown had so much coolness going for it. Anyway […]

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Party Crasher: CUFF Opening Night Bash 2012 | Media Mentions

Party Crasher: CUFF Opening Night Bash 2012 | Media Mentions

| January 8, 2024 | 2 Comments

I attended the opening night of the 9th Annual Calgary Underground Film Festival that featured the re-edited premiere of God Bless America directed by former Police Academy star Bobcat Goldthwait and starring Joel Murray, Bill Murray’s brother, who turned 50 on this night. What a fab film. Two thumbs up. Click on the photo image below to view […]

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| December 29, 2023 | 0 Comments

I was featured in this blog post titled Street Style Huntress: Nylon Magazine by Style Impressario Aldona Barutowicz

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Boletin N 001 Mes de March 2012 Seccion Consular Embajada de Colombia en Ottawa | Media Mentions

Boletin N 001 Mes de March 2012 Seccion Consular Embajada de Colombia en Ottawa | Media Mentions

| November 20, 2023 | 0 Comments

The Colombian Consulate in Ottawa featured my blog post in its inaugural newsletter to its citizens residing in Canada.

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Tip o’ the hat to Ecuador | Media Mentions

Tip o’ the hat to Ecuador | Media Mentions

| November 10, 2023 | 1 Comment

Metro Calgary featured me in this article prior to my Amazon rainforest journey and the White Hat exchange. You can read more on the trip itself and the cultural exchange by reading any of my posts under Travel Adventures -> Ecuador.  

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Street Style Huntress interviews Larkycanuck for | Media Mentions

Street Style Huntress interviews Larkycanuck for | Media Mentions

| December 17, 2021 | 0 Comments

I was recently interviewed by the lovely Aldona B, Calgary’s foremost street-style huntress, for portal. She managed to somehow combine the subjects of bizarre connections, Twitter, Arts Scene, and aspirations all in to this one piece. You can read it directly on the site by clicking on the image link above or download it […]

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