RSSBudget Adventure Travel

The Cheapo’s guide to doing Madrid in 2 days | Budget Adventure Travel

The Cheapo’s guide to doing Madrid in 2 days | Budget Adventure Travel

| July 26, 2024 | 6 Comments

Travel Adventures | Love These So what’s up with Spaniards and their love for White Bread!!!! Somebody please tell me! Travel Adventures | Cutting Back? Like didn’t they get memo about cutting back on white bread? My #1 CHEAPO advice to all health conscious North American wannabe travelers to Spain – Carry BROWN bread from […]

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Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

Travel ‘Must Haves’ for The International Adventurer on a Budget

| July 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Traveling on a budget can be amazing, and sometimes overwhelming when you’re not sure what you really need. Loads of websites will tell you what to take on your holiday, and most of those sites are dead wrong. Next thing you know, you’re in Thailand wearing long sleeves in a heat wave, or worshiping the […]

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The Cuban Idiot Crisis | Budget Adventure Travel

The Cuban Idiot Crisis | Budget Adventure Travel

| July 6, 2024 | 15 Comments

This blog post would normally have been about my honeymoon trip to Cayo Santa María, Cuba. It would have mentioned the great all inclusive resort stay we experienced at the Sol Cayo Santa Maria resort and shown you some lovely photos of the resort and its splendid facilities. I would not tell you that this dude […]

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Navigating with Columbus in Santo Domingo | Budget Adventure Travel

Navigating with Columbus in Santo Domingo | Budget Adventure Travel

| March 18, 2024 | 2 Comments

[Comments/Responses from readers greatly appreciated] August 28th, 2011 In August 2011, we set forth on a week-long all-inclusive vacation in Samana, Dominican Republic from Calgary. These are the stories from this trip. The following images are of the wonderful suite we got. Very clean, warm water always, and top quality room service. We took a […]

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Incredible Maui

Incredible Maui

| February 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

There are certain places in the world that becomes a challenge to write something about that has not already been discussed in extensive detail by some writer. Maui is one of those places on earth, which unsurprisingly due to its majestic beauty and frequent visitors, leaves very little to expose to the first time travelers. […]

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Bermuda, oh Where Art Thou Bermuda?

Bermuda, oh Where Art Thou Bermuda?

| February 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

I have never been to anyplace during my travels that has captured me in a way I experienced in Bermuda. This British island territory in the North Atlantic carries an old world charm that perhaps is the way because of its unique mix of American and British culture. As with most island destinations, Bermuda is […]

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Frozen in time in Southern Alberta | Budget Adventure Travel

Frozen in time in Southern Alberta | Budget Adventure Travel

| January 28, 2024 | 3 Comments

this blog post is specially inspired by and dedicated to moby, who i met once in new york. this piece is written in the style and images that moby has published on his blog on architecture in LA. at first glance, southern alberta and the artist moby and hollywood don’t connect. but dig deeper and […]

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7 ridiculously easy ways how I saved $$$$$$$ and time on Budget Adventure Travel | Money Saving Tips

| January 18, 2024 | 15 Comments

[Prologue: Several readers asked me about the total trip for this travel. I crunched all numbers and the total cost was approximately, CAD $4,500 for two adults. This includes all airfare, ground transportation, lodging, food, tours, and gifts. The trip itinerary was Calgary -> Miami -> Quito – > Amazon Jungle -> Quito -> Bogota […]

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Art on the Streetwalks of Miami | Budget Adventure Travel

Art on the Streetwalks of Miami | Budget Adventure Travel

| November 30, 2023 | 7 Comments

Remember that movie with Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell – A night at the Roxbury, where their characters, brothers Doug and Steve Butabi, pitch the ingenious idea to club owner Zadir (Chazz Palminteri) about the unique club concept where the building exterior is constructed to resemble the interior of a nightclub, and the interior resembles […]

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Once upon a time in Quito | Budget Adventure Travel

Once upon a time in Quito | Budget Adventure Travel

| October 31, 2023 | 3 Comments

December 28, 2011 Arrived at Quito after an awesome flight from Miami. High elevation. Takes a day or two to get used to the air volume for those coming from sea level areas. Since we came from Calgary, the adjustment didn’t take long. Public tours of the inside are allowed. Ecuador currency is the US […]

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