Career Tips

Social dynamics of getting a response back online | Career Tips
It is a fairly simple process to get a response back from another person during a face to face conversation – Walk up, greet, speak, ask, listen! It is quick, simple and mostly instantaneous. However, it is a whole different matter when using online communication and social media tools in trying to elicit a response from […]

When Can You Make Personal Calls at Work? by Claire Suddath | Career Tips
I was quoted in this article published in Bloomberg Businessweek Click on the image above to view full article

The only thing you need to say after getting turned down for a position | Career Tips
So you believe you had the perfect interview, aced all the questions asked, responded intelligently, asked the interviewer all the right questions, had a great vibe going, and sent in your thank you card/email/call etc. Most importantly, you were well prepared and knew a lot about the organization and the company. Miriam Salpeter, job search […]

New Language Key to a Successful Career? | Career Tips
If your career is at a crossroads then you may be wondering what you can do to get it moving in the right direction again. One idea which you should definitely consider is that of learning a foreign language to help you move up the career ladder. This can help in a number of ways […]
Occassionaly I feature guest bloggers on my blog who are experts in one of the areas of focus of my blog. I have known Barbara personally for several years as a career coach and she has extensive insight on various career counseling aspects. Here is a recent piece by her on expatriate lives. Enjoy. And […]
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