RSSMoney Saving Tips

Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

| October 14, 2022 | 0 Comments

Car-related tax deductions exist, but the rules are fairly restrictive If you use a vehicle to earn employment or business income, the Canada Revenue Agency allows you to make some auto-related deductions on your tax return, but the government cannot be said to be generous in this area. Those who lease a vehicle can claim […]

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Family Business: How SME income-splitting works | Tax | Money Savings

| September 14, 2022 | 2 Comments

It’s exhilarating and liberating to watch your small business grow and become a success. After long hours of stress and hard work, you’re finally on the map. But as your unincorporated small business begins to thrive, its increasing revenue may begin pushing you into a higher tax bracket. The potential for income-splitting within the family […]

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Enjoying some holiday benefits at work? You may need to tell the taxman | Money Savings

| August 15, 2022 | 5 Comments

Canadians are a little down this holiday season, at least when asked about holiday workplace perks. A recent survey found only 44 per cent of Canadians expect to indulge in a traditional rite this season: the employer-sponsored holiday party. And extra dollars will be even harder to come by, as only 17 per cent are […]

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Maximizing the RESP benefit | Money Saving Tips

Maximizing the RESP benefit | Money Saving Tips

| July 26, 2022 | 0 Comments

Within the group of various tax deferred/free savings initiatives provided by the Canadian government to its residents, the Registered Environment Savings Plan (RESP) is like the black swan of the programs; In the sense that it tends to be overshadowed in popularity and familiarity by its other well-known cousins – the RRSP and the TFSA. But we have […]

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Acquiring a First Time Home Loan | Money Savings

Acquiring a First Time Home Loan | Money Savings

| March 17, 2022 | 2 Comments

Obtaining your first home loan can be very exciting, as it means you finally get a house to call your own and don’t have to worry about paying rent any longer. However, the process of getting your first home loan may seem a bit daunting at first, since a lot of calculations to do to […]

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Self Employed? Your Tax Deadline Is Coming | Tax | Money Savings

| December 27, 2021 | 0 Comments

Frequently Asked Questions From The Self-Employed Do I really need to fill out a T2125? Yes. Even if you are a student with a summer job that paid you as a contractor, you should still report the income on a T2125 Form and claim reasonable business expenses. It may be tempting to enter the income on […]

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Crossing the border can be taxing | Tax | Money Savings |

| September 28, 2021 | 0 Comments

Sharing the border with the U.S. means it is relatively easy to cross the border for a holiday or to visit an outlet mall. Infrequent visitors who are in the U.S. for 31 days or less a year are considered visitors and are not generally subject to U.S. income tax. However, Canadians spending more time […]

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4 common tax mistakes made by students | Tax | Money Savings

| July 30, 2021 | 3 Comments

Mistake #1 – Filing only after turning 18 A common mistake made by young folks is not realizing that you have to file a tax return when you are earning taxable income and not just after turning 18. In other words, you may be a dependent while earning income (summer jobs, online work) but you are […]

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How to save money during an unemployment period | Tax | Money Savings

| February 5, 2021 | 9 Comments

Going through an unemployment period in one’s life is never fun. It is a phase that can lead to a lot of stress and disharmony in the self and family. However, after the initial stress and shock of unemployment has passed, this moment can also offer incredible opportunity to refocus one’s life and career plans. […]

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Two simple tips on tax savings over holiday season | Tax | Money Savings

| November 22, 2020 | 6 Comments

Holiday season is around the corner folks! The mood is festive, the gifts are flowing, the music is playing and the lights are growing. Yes, it indeed a very jolly good time of the year. But while this moment lasts for a short time for you, it happens to continue for a very long time […]

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