Tag: Family business

Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

Vehicles for Business: Auto deductions | Tax | Money Savings

| October 14, 2022 | 0 Comments

Car-related tax deductions exist, but the rules are fairly restrictive If you use a vehicle to earn employment or business income, the Canada Revenue Agency allows you to make some auto-related deductions on your tax return, but the government cannot be said to be generous in this area. Those who lease a vehicle can claim […]

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Family Business: How SME income-splitting works | Tax | Money Savings

| September 14, 2022 | 2 Comments

It’s exhilarating and liberating to watch your small business grow and become a success. After long hours of stress and hard work, you’re finally on the map. But as your unincorporated small business begins to thrive, its increasing revenue may begin pushing you into a higher tax bracket. The potential for income-splitting within the family […]

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