Tag: New Orleans Travel

New Orleans : 9 years after Hurricane Katrina

New Orleans : 9 years after Hurricane Katrina

| June 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

Start boarding up the doors of this old blue house Get ready for the storm, Get ready for the storm Start cutting up the tape, turn the old rugs out Sweep the dust off the drive, sweep the dust off the drive – from the song THE FLOOD by NOLA Indie Band So Long Storyland […]

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Tale Of A New Orleans Legendary Landmark

Tale Of A New Orleans Legendary Landmark

| June 12, 2023 | 0 Comments

Legend has it that when the world’s first travel blogger, aka. Marco Polo, chronicled his travels of the Silk Route to discover the mysteries of the Far East during the early 13th century from his native Venice, it set forth a chain of events that eventually inspired Christopher Columbus in later years to search for […]

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3 Common Myths Canadians Have About Mardi Gras

3 Common Myths Canadians Have About Mardi Gras

| May 23, 2023 | 0 Comments

There are several things that Canadians and Americans share in common given the geographic and cultural dispositions of both nations. However, run a poll across a wide demographic on what these similarities are, and you will get a wide and varying response. But two things over which there will be no dispute over are our […]

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Indie Band ‘So Long Storyland’ on NOLA music, style & Katrina

Indie Band ‘So Long Storyland’ on NOLA music, style & Katrina

| May 13, 2023 | 1 Comment

You got to love social media for its adaptability in making instantaneous connections in foreign locations when traveling. It is especially valuable for travel bloggers like myself to identify unique trends, styles and culture to showcase to readers. Thus I am excited to share with you an emerging talent out of New Orleans, that I […]

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