Tag: Onlywire

A Walk on the Amazon River (Day 2 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
Dec 30, 2011 The first night in the lodge was unique experience. There is no electricity on site. We use flashlights and candles to move about in the dark. Have to be wary of bugs lizards frogs and little tree snakes (mostly non-lethal we were told!!Keyword here is MOSTLY). Slept under treated mosquito nets. The […]

A walk on the Amazon River (Day 1 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
I had a dream recently that I was walking on water. And then I woke up. But for one notable historic record this is a feat that has never been accomplished by man (Criss Angel, yours doesn’t count). My dream was a somnambulist journey back to the recent trip I made to the Amazon Jungle […]
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