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When in Rome do as I do! | Budget Adventure Travel
Yes, seriously! I mean it. Especially if you are a first time tourist in this city and have limited time on hand to explore the colossal and historic magnificence of Rome and Vatican City. I will admit, I have never been as enchanted by any city I have been to so far as much as […]
Navigating with the local Don of Amalfi Coast and Pompeii
Michele is a big Don of southern Italy. Meet Don Michele (pronounced MEE-KHAIL-LAA). According to the custom of this region the word ‘Don’ is used as a courtesy title before the name of an important man. As I learnt during my tour, Michele is indeed a very important man in the Amalfi Coast. First, he knows […]
White Hat Project on NCL EPIC’s Captain | Budget Adventure Travel
The White Hat Project – II This is the second White Hat Project story. You can read the earlier stories on the White Hat Project by clicking here. When I agreed to go on my first cruise trip on the world’s 3rd largest ship (the Norwegian Epic) I instantly knew who was going to be […]
Norwegian Epic Cruise Ship | Budget Adventure Travel
“Oh, HECK NO!” This is the first reaction most sane adults will have when asked to spend a week stuck with extended family members, cranky kids and all, within a +- 300 sqft cabin. On a ship. Traveling across the Mediterranean Sea. Well as soon as I had committed to taking the cruise trip with […]
Biking the Nose Creek Pathway of Calgary | Budget Adventure Travel
I mostly post on travel adventures in foreign countries (I am from Canada). But today I reverse the process and present the beauty of my hometown, Calgary, to the rest of the world. Scenic beauty is everywhere. It is sometimes this very privilege that most local inhabitants of a place tend to ignore. I remember […]
Pre-holiday season money-saving tips | Tax | Money Saving Tips
This is a guest post from Jon Lal, founder of coupons & cash back website and couponing & savings expert. Getting a head start on holiday shopping before the rush can help you save time and money as you can take advantage of sales, have a better choice and use free online resources. In […]
6 smart ways to save money on your groceries | Money Saving Tips
This is a Guest Post by Alicia who is a specialist in financial blogging from Manchester The grocery bill is one of the necessary and expensive costs that a family is confronted by. The overwhelming job by most families is finding ways to reduce and cut back their grocery bill. Many people start following various […]
Occassionaly I feature guest bloggers on my blog who are experts in one of the areas of focus of my blog. I have known Barbara personally for several years as a career coach and she has extensive insight on various career counseling aspects. Here is a recent piece by her on expatriate lives. Enjoy. And […]
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