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The truth behind car sharing services | Money Saving Tips

The truth behind car sharing services | Money Saving Tips

| April 17, 2024 | 29 Comments

This blog post is not about the pros and cons of car sharing service although I will briefly cover this as well. This post is intended to show you how you can monitor your usage costs and thereby SAVE MONEY by using your local car sharing service. I will also compare car sharing program costs […]

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Pivot Ignite Summer Block Party | Media Mentions

Pivot Ignite Summer Block Party | Media Mentions

| April 7, 2024 | 0 Comments

I was involved in the production team for Glenbow Museum’s Summer Block Party. It was the first Street Art and Fashion party organized in the City of Calgary, and amazingly it reached the tweet list of Top Parties in NYC, London and Tokyo. Haha. Who knew cowtown had so much coolness going for it. Anyway […]

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Devonian Gardens – A Floating Paradise | Arts & Design

Devonian Gardens – A Floating Paradise | Arts & Design

| March 28, 2024 | 17 Comments

“An Architect should live as little in cities as a painter. Send him out to our hills, and let him study there what Nature understands by a butress, and what by a dome.” — john ruskin June 27 2012 was the official launch of one of the most impressive inner city urban landscapes ever conceived […]

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Navigating with Columbus in Santo Domingo | Budget Adventure Travel

Navigating with Columbus in Santo Domingo | Budget Adventure Travel

| March 18, 2024 | 2 Comments

[Comments/Responses from readers greatly appreciated] August 28th, 2011 In August 2011, we set forth on a week-long all-inclusive vacation in Samana, Dominican Republic from Calgary. These are the stories from this trip. The following images are of the wonderful suite we got. Very clean, warm water always, and top quality room service. We took a […]

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A money manager’s guide to earning a guaranteed 1,123% return on investment | Money Saving Tips

A money manager’s guide to earning a guaranteed 1,123% return on investment | Money Saving Tips

| March 8, 2024 | 2 Comments

[Comments/Suggestions on this or future articles greatly appreciated] My mama always taught me to be thrifty with my money growing up. She abhors frivolous purchases. Thus this recent Mother’s Day I decided to gift her the best gift I could – NOTHING. Instead I went and bought myself something from the nearest Walmart – the […]

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Incredible Maui

Incredible Maui

| February 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

There are certain places in the world that becomes a challenge to write something about that has not already been discussed in extensive detail by some writer. Maui is one of those places on earth, which unsurprisingly due to its majestic beauty and frequent visitors, leaves very little to expose to the first time travelers. […]

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Bermuda, oh Where Art Thou Bermuda?

Bermuda, oh Where Art Thou Bermuda?

| February 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

I have never been to anyplace during my travels that has captured me in a way I experienced in Bermuda. This British island territory in the North Atlantic carries an old world charm that perhaps is the way because of its unique mix of American and British culture. As with most island destinations, Bermuda is […]

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Social dynamics of getting a response back online | Career Tips

Social dynamics of getting a response back online | Career Tips

| February 7, 2024 | 2 Comments

It is a fairly simple process to get a response back from another person during a face to face conversation – Walk up, greet, speak, ask, listen! It is quick, simple and mostly instantaneous. However, it is a whole different matter when using online communication and social media tools in trying to elicit a response from […]

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Frozen in time in Southern Alberta | Budget Adventure Travel

Frozen in time in Southern Alberta | Budget Adventure Travel

| January 28, 2024 | 3 Comments

this blog post is specially inspired by and dedicated to moby, who i met once in new york. this piece is written in the style and images that moby has published on his blog on architecture in LA. at first glance, southern alberta and the artist moby and hollywood don’t connect. but dig deeper and […]

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7 ridiculously easy ways how I saved $$$$$$$ and time on Budget Adventure Travel | Money Saving Tips

| January 18, 2024 | 15 Comments

[Prologue: Several readers asked me about the total trip for this travel. I crunched all numbers and the total cost was approximately, CAD $4,500 for two adults. This includes all airfare, ground transportation, lodging, food, tours, and gifts. The trip itinerary was Calgary -> Miami -> Quito – > Amazon Jungle -> Quito -> Bogota […]

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