Tag: canada
Is Elkwater the new Canmore | Budget Adventure Travel
As a first time transplant from eastern Canada to western Canada, I first arrived in the Town of Canmore, situated 1.5 hours west of the City of Calgary, and was totally enchanted by the beauty of the view and lifestyle in this region. It was for this reason I decided settle in the Province of […]
Crossing the border can be taxing | Tax | Money Savings | Larkycanuck.com
Sharing the border with the U.S. means it is relatively easy to cross the border for a holiday or to visit an outlet mall. Infrequent visitors who are in the U.S. for 31 days or less a year are considered visitors and are not generally subject to U.S. income tax. However, Canadians spending more time […]
Affordable Vacation in Whitehorse | Budget Adventure Travel
When most Canadians think of Yukon, the first thing that conjures up in their mind is the great Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) effect and very cold days (brrrrr!) Well indeed I can confirm that Whitehorse, which is the capital of Yukon, has both indeed; But you are most likely to have misconceptions on both. Firstly, […]
Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis Tour in Whitehorse |Budget Adventure Travel
Aurora Borealis gira en Whitehorse オーロラ – ホワイトホースのオーロラツアー Aurora Borealis Tour em Whitehorse On March 13th 2013 we arrived at Whitehorse, Yukon for a once in a lifetime must-see journey to the wild north of Canada to view the spectacular atmospheric phenomenon known as the Northern Lights. El 13 de marzo año 2013 llegó a […]
4 common tax mistakes made by students | Tax | Money Savings
Mistake #1 – Filing only after turning 18 A common mistake made by young folks is not realizing that you have to file a tax return when you are earning taxable income and not just after turning 18. In other words, you may be a dependent while earning income (summer jobs, online work) but you are […]
Being Fancy at SCHMANCY | Social Commentary
On February 9, 2013 the Glenbow Museum of Calgary held its second annual fundraiser event. I am not of the type to attend major fundraiser galas of hospitals or other societies for the simple fact that bloggers don’t exactly have a lot of funds. But I am always up for raising a glass of wine for […]
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