Tag: Forest

A Walk on the Amazon River (Day 5 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
Jan 02, 2012 This was our last morning on the lodge before heading back to Lago Agrio. So our morning started off with some bird watching and one last river cruise. Finally we returned back to Lago Agrio around 2:00 pM This is the regional transportation bus that takes you across various cities […]

A Walk on the Amazon River (Day 4 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
[Warning: Contains some photos and text that may not be appropriate for children of certain ages. Parental advisory is recommended] Jan 01, 2012 Our morning adventure was a trek through the forest for 4 hours to learn about the various species that exist. But on the way we stopped by Anna’s habitat to see if […]

A Walk on the Amazon River (New Years Eve Day 3 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
Dec 31, 2011 After our trip in the local community we headed down the river to stop at another local forest community to meet with the Shaman and explore various medicinal plants and view demonstration of Shaman ritual. Spotted a pair of Titi Monkeys. They are endangered species and very rarely seen to human eye. […]

A Walk on the Amazon River (Day 3 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
Dec 31, 2011 Our agenda on this day was to visit a local Siona community located 2 hours east of our lodge. It was another long boat ride to get there. The community clan is called Fondadorde Clan. There are several clans that comprise the community. And there are several communities within the rainforest. Their […]

A Walk on the Amazon River (Day 2 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
Dec 30, 2011 The first night in the lodge was unique experience. There is no electricity on site. We use flashlights and candles to move about in the dark. Have to be wary of bugs lizards frogs and little tree snakes (mostly non-lethal we were told!!Keyword here is MOSTLY). Slept under treated mosquito nets. The […]

A walk on the Amazon River (Day 1 of 5) | Budget Adventure Travel
I had a dream recently that I was walking on water. And then I woke up. But for one notable historic record this is a feat that has never been accomplished by man (Criss Angel, yours doesn’t count). My dream was a somnambulist journey back to the recent trip I made to the Amazon Jungle […]
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