The Cheapo’s guide to doing Madrid in 2 days | Budget Adventure Travel

| July 26, 2024 | 6 Comments

Travel Adventures | Love These

So what’s up with Spaniards and their love for White Bread!!!! Somebody please tell me!

Travel Adventures

Bakery Shop in Downtown Madrid

Bakery Shop in Downtown Madrid

Cookie Shop in Downtown Madrid

Travel Adventures | Cutting Back?

Like didn’t they get memo about cutting back on white bread?

My #1 CHEAPO advice to all health conscious North American wannabe travelers to Spain – Carry BROWN bread from home. Cause either you won’t find it or it will be expensive.

Ok now for those short of time, and you are surely missing out a lot being in Europe and short of time, the highest and best use of your time and money to capture the main highlights of this City is to take the quintessential Hop-On-Hop-Off Double Decker tour bus.

For those interested in checking out more tour options, I recommend checking out the options offered at

I took the Madrid Hop-On-Hop-Off City bus tour.

Madrid-hop-on-hop-off-city-tour bus

Tickets are easily available at various kiosks and hotels across the City and available to buy online in advance. The bus route is simple. There are only two routes – Ruta 1 and Ruta 2. And if you sit on the bus in its entirety through both routes you can easily finish the entire trip in under 3 hours.

Travel Adventures | Cheapo!

My #2 CHEAPO advice for travelers planing to take this tour – Stay on the bus and finish both circuits first. This way you can mark on the route map the stops that interest you the most and then you can return back at your luxury to explore in detail while being rest assured that you have seen all highlights of the City tour if you run out of time by being at one place too long.

Important thing to note about your ticket is that it is also valid for the night tour if you choose to take that one but stops are limited compared to the day tour.

Another important thing to note about your ticket is that it runs on a calendar day cycle and not on a 24-hour cycle. That means if you buy your ticket at 6:00PM, it is valid only up until the last tour available for any route for that day. As you can see, if you bought it instead at 8:00 AM you are getting more bang for your buck.

This brings me to my #3 CHEAPO advice for travelers planing to take this tour – Buy the 2-Day ticket if you have the time. The two-day ticket costs only 4 EURO more. So if you are the leisurely type, this will save you a lot of money and allow to break the routes over two days.

So in terms of what you can expect to see, continue to slide down this article.

Gran Via Flatiron Building Madrid

Palacio de Telecomunicaciones, Madrid

Palacio de Telecomunicaciones, Madrid

Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid

Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid

Home of Real Madrid Soccer Team Stadium

Splendid Murals observed on Building facade, Madrid

Museo de Jamon (Museum of Ham), Madrid

Inside Museo de Jamon (Museum of Ham), Madrid

A Spanish Fakir in Madrid

My #4 CHEAPO advice is stay at the Centro area (Downtown Madrid) on short stays. Although you will pay more but you will save on commuting time and costs plus on dining. Dining is expensive in the suburbs of Madrid especially within hotels near the airport. However, if you plan on long stays then do find yourself an accommodation outside of the downtown to save money.

My #5 CHEAPO advice is skip eating at fancy Spanish eateries and hit the several street vendors or Donair places. You are likely to find some great Spanish cuisine, including the famous Paella, at some of the smaller hole in the wall places, and surprisingly even at the tourist trap joints in the Centro Area.

Well if any reader has other suggestions on saving money, do comment below and I shall add to this list (with your reference included of course).

And don’t forget to follow my blog by entering your email to get weekly updates on similar posts.

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Category: Budget Adventure Travel, Spain Travel Adventure

About the Author ()

Larkycanuck is the pseudonym for the spirited, spontaneous and zestful Canadian. The Blog is focused on showcasing budget adventure travels for working families. Larkycanuck has traveled to over 15 countries, 38 cities in 10 years. He has never quit a job to do this. He travels with his wife and on some trips with the house rabbit (Pepper).

Comments (6)

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  1. careerbabs says:

    Hi Larky,

    Really enjoyed your hot tips on Madrid – it seems going the el cheapo way is far more interesting. The photos were amazing.

  2. Anita Mac says:

    Great tips! I am all about the 2 day tickets. Did that in Prague for the Castle. Too much to see in one day – was better to break it up and relax! But then, I have evolved into the slow travel movement! Have yet to make it to Madrid – great photos – will get there one of these days.

  3. Elena says:

    Hi Larky!
    Just a couple of corrections if you don’t mind. About picture’s captions…instead of Biblioteca Nacional it should actually say “Palacio de Telecomunicaciones”, and where you wrote down “Puerta de Toledo” is actually the “Puerta de Alcalá” (these two are similar monuments but not the same).
    Well done for your tips and blog.

    • larkycanuck says:

      Hi El
      hey thanks for informing and correcting. i totally appreciate it. in fact i feel honored when a reader informs me of correction as it shows they read what i wrote in detail. coincidentally i remembered you the other day when i was reading the blogs I follow that Elena has not written a post in a while. looking forward to your next story as well.

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