Rock Legend Bryan Adam to host Schmancy 2014 | Calgary Lifestyle | Social Commentary

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Schmancy 2014 presented by Enbridge
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Schmancy is the must-attend, sure-to-sell-out, event of the year. It’s a non-gala gala that turns the concept of fundraiser on its head. Support Glenbow in a night of arts and culture and look fabulously posh doing it.
Tickets are $250 each and include one Glenbow Adult or Gift membership. Limited number of Under-30 tickets available for $95.
Feature Presenter – BRYAN ADAMS
Schmancy guests will be treated to a Q + A style presentation with Bryan Adams in which he will discuss his photography.
In conjunction with this appearance, Glenbow presents Exposed, an exhibition of Adams’ photography, running February 23 – May 4, 2014.
Adams has exhibited his work across Europe and North America and has had three books of his works published: Wounded: The Legacy of War, Exposed and American Women.
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Category: Calgary Lifestyle, Social Commentary